

2023-01-07 21:56

向荣网讯 根据中考试题易中难6:2:2的比例,同学们单选题必须做到百分之百的正确率!



22. my grandpa often told _____ interesting stories.
a. i b. me c. my. mine

23. the meeting will begin ________ 4:30 this afternoon.on’t forget it.
a. on b. in c. at. for

24. --- can you come and play with us this evening?

--- i’d love to, ___________i h***e a lot of homework too.
a. and b. so c. or. but

25. spring is coming and there ________ flowers everywhere.
a. is b. are c. was. were

26. --- __________ are all these together?

a. howmuch b. howmany c. howlong. howoften

27. --- ________ you play international chess?

--- no, i can’t. but i can play chinese chess.
a. must b. need c. may. can

28. she kept _________ hard at her physics and finally caught up with us.
a. work b. worked c. working. to work

29. i think book 6 is ________ than book 5.
a. muchifficult b. veryifficult c. moreifficult. the mostifficult

30. we ________ a sports meeting if it is fine next wednesday.
a. h***e b. had c. h***e had. will h***e

31. mr brown, i h***e ________ special to show you. guess what it is.
a. something b. anything c. everything. nothing

32. my classmate, ann, ________ five oxford bookworm novels already.
a. has read b. reads c. will read. read

33. the city walls _______ forty years ago. what a pity!
a.estroyed b.estroy c. areestroyed. wereestroyed

34. iidn’t know ______ last year.
a. where he lives b. whereoes he live
c. where he lived. whereid he live
