

2023-01-09 10:30










题目:My Weekend

My Weekend

Nowadays, many high schools encourage and organize students to take part insocial practice activities. Last weekend, our class chose to took part in ameaningful and challenging activity--picking fruits on the farm.

We got on our school bus at about 8 o’clock on Saturday. The teacher told usto keep order as we arrived at the farm.

Although the weather was hot, we all did as told. The farm liesin the southof our city, merely 20 minutes away by coach from our school. Its landmarkbuilding stands in the center, tothe left of which is a large cherry field andto the right a peach field.

The first part of our activity was to pick peaches by cooperating withteammates. I needed to climb the tree, pick the peach and then pass it to thegirl in my team, which aims to train our team spirit. After collecting enoughpeaches, we were required to cook with peaches. As a boy, I had no experience incooking before, but luckily my teammate made delicious fruit juice for us. Ourclass had a delicious meal together. We were not only happy, but also knew theimportance of cooperation.

This is an unforgettable day for me, because it was through that day Iimproved my friendship with my teammates and realized the importance ofteamwork. Therefore, I hope there will be more opportunities for us high schoolstudents to h***esimilar activities outside the campus.